We sadly announce the passing of Telk, the original creator of Some Random Api.
He was a pillar in the development community and will be missed by many.

SRA will continue running in his memory for the foreseable future.
Thank you for supporting him with this project, should that have been using it, suggesting features or donating.
This project meant to much to him and he was so happy to know it was used by many.
Telk's Tribute Join the discord

Some Random Api

const { MessageEmbed, MessageAttachment } = require('discord.js')
let link = 'https://some-random-api.com/canvas/triggered/?avatar=https://....com'
const attachment = new MessageAttachment(link, 'triggered.gif')
const embed = new MessageEmbed()
//Try necros vsc theme kthx

Easy to use API

Using Some random api is as simple as opening a link in your browser! Even if you are stuck on how to use the API, our support team on discord will gladly help you.


Some random api has over 50 endpoints that you can use! Ranging from animal images, animal facts, to also image manipulation endpoints. Some random api is constantly getting updated with more endpoints!